Well-being is more than happiness and life satisfaction

5 min read

When people discuss well-being, they often refer to corporate well-being, which relates to employee relationships. However, well-being encompasses much more than just happiness or achievements.

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Have you noticed the increased interest in well-being lately?

People are no longer willing to dedicate their entire lives to work. France has officially banned workweeks longer than 35 hours, while Iceland recently experimented with a four-day workweek. Surprisingly, the results showed that employee happiness increased without affecting productivity. These changes reflect a more significant shift in our society towards valuing work-life balance and overall well-being.

The standard of living in first and second-world countries is on the rise. People are shifting their focus from material possessions to improving their overall quality of life. This includes prioritizing physical and mental health, nurturing relationships with loved ones, and setting personal goals. There is also a growing awareness of the harmful effects of overworking on mental health. The trend of valuing achievement above all else is replaced by focusing on self-care and achieving a healthy work-life balance.

Thomas Harter and Jim Rath’s book “Well-being: The Five Essential Elements” draws on a fifty-year study from the American Gallup Institute, which spanned 150 countries. The study identified five key elements of well-being: career, social relationships, finances, physical health, and general well-being.

A fulfilling career is essential for overall well-being, as it provides professional success, job satisfaction, personal growth, and skill development opportunities.

Maintaining positive relationships with family and friends, belonging, and interacting with others are all essential components of a fulfilling social life. It is just as important for overall well-being as having a successful career.

Money may not be the key to happiness but it is crucial for security and well-being. Therefore, it is vital to skillfully manage your finances, keeping expenses and income in balance.

Maintaining physical health involves:

  • Having an active lifestyle
  • Consuming nutritious food
  • Managing stress
  • Engaging in rigorous physical exercise

A healthy body is essential for overall well-being and feeling good.

The final aspect of well-being involves attaining personal goals, developing interests and skills, and finding balance in all aspects of life.

Everyone has different priorities when it comes to what’s essential in life. Some prioritize strong family relationships over career achievements, while others prioritize physical health over finances. However, it’s important to remember that overall well-being depends on all five elements, so it’s best to maintain a balance in each area.

What makes you feel good?

Before addressing the question, it’s important to note that well-being cannot be attained once and for all like an achievement that can be unlocked. There is no checklist to follow to acquire happiness and well-being. Instead, it’s a continuous journey and a way of life.

Maintaining well-being is both simple and challenging. The steps below are not revolutionary and do not require extra effort, and it’s about correctly aligning your daily routine. However, maintaining well-being is hard because it requires daily effort. Consistency and self-discipline are vital to achieving success.

There are various methods to improve well-being, but we suggest five simple steps that will take little time and have an almost immediate effect.

Step 1. Spend two minutes every morning thinking of three things you’re grateful for. It can be anything positive, like a good feeling or support from loved ones. Writing it down or saying it out loud can help. Focusing on the good can make everything seem brighter.

Step 2. If you are anxious or stressed, take a break and find a quiet space to relax for a few minutes. Sit comfortably and focus on your breathing. Take deep breaths in and out to help you relax and calm down. You don’t need to know any special breathing techniques — simply closing your eyes and taking slow, deep breaths can alleviate anxiety symptoms. A mini-meditation of just three minutes can be very helpful.

Step 3. It only takes 2 minutes to maintain a healthy relationship. Take a moment during the day to send a message or make a call to a loved one. You can wish them good night or express gratitude for their presence. This small act of kindness can go a long way in strengthening your bond.

Step 4. Taking care of yourself is essential, even if it’s just for 10 minutes. Life comprises many small things, so make a conscious effort to give yourself some simple pleasures. Try self-massage, brewing your favorite tea, taking a warm bath, or applying a healing mask to your face. These activities can help relieve tension and help you stay present in the moment.

Step 5. Engaging in physical activity for just 10 minutes a day can significantly boost happiness, improve overall health, and enhance sleep quality. Whether it’s a quick workout or a brisk half-hour walk, incorporating regular exercise into your routine can positively impact your well-being.

Remember, small actions can positively impact your well-being. Take short breaks throughout your day and increase happiness and mindfulness.

How does your well-being affect your productivity at work? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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